Doonies are a kind of shape-shifting fae, very similar to kelpies. Like their younger cousins, the level of intellect doonies actually possess is unclear.
In their pony form, they display behaviour largely consistent with that of an actual pony, appearing not to understand anything more than the most basic communication.
However, when in their human form they behave exactly like any normal person.

While doonies and kelpies do share some similarities, there are also several notable distinctions between the two.
In both forms, doonies are a good deal smaller than kelpies, and their equine form does not share the same sticky coat as kelpies have. Additionally, a doonie's hooves are the right way round and also shod with silver horseshoes, as opposed to the kelpie with its backwards and unshod hooves.
Though they may be small in stature, that does not make them any less intimidating. There are many songs and stories of great doonie warriors who fought in and won tremendous battles.