A brief history
Humans have unknowingly lived beside fairy-folk for thousands of years. Each have minded their own business and kept to their own separate worlds for a long time, contact rare but worthy of note. Any accounts of such encounters with the “supernatural” have been swept under the rug as ridiculous stories or the ramblings of madmen.
The Fairy King Oberon and Queen Titania were written off as myth, with no credit to their names, the terrible creatures of the night now just scary stories to keep children well-behaved.
Humans were able to keep their bubble of normalcy safe and dismiss magic almost entirely, while the fairy-folk left humans to their own devices, never intervening or making contact.
And for a long long time, this suited both worlds rather well. Or at least, it seemed that way.
One of the first blows to this grand illusion came in 1875 when the first daughter of Titania and Oberon, Princess Elspeth, ran away from Tír na nÓg, the land of the fae-folk, to the human world. This began a five year feud between Elspeth and her father which culminated in Elspeth recruiting a friend to turn the fae king into a frog.
The fae world, already in a state of unrest over the laws preventing them from entering the human world freely and without hiding, erupted into chaos and in 1878 there was a call for the fae royalty to put an end to the division.
In 1880 Princess Elspeth married a human man and Titania, tired of this ridiculous argument, entered into negotiations with the British Government over the official merging of the fae and human worlds. These negotiations lasted for 3 years and, on the 21st of June of 1883, the law was abolished and a new branch of government was opened. The new branch of government brought both humans and fae-folk together to work for the peaceful integration of the two worlds, generally when it came to Unseelie fae.
1883 just so happens to also be the year that Henry Whitlock moved to Edinburgh. In one of Whitlock's journals, it appears that, on the very morning of the 21st of June he accidentally stumbles upon a grand celebration within the fae world. It's unclear exactly why the events of Whitlock's journals happened to him in particular, perhaps simply a case of "right place, right time".
In 1884, Henry Whitlock disappeared abruptly, and his home was left abandoned, the locals far too afraid of the place to dare entering. Nobody knew where he had gone or why.
Over the next 134 years, Whitlock's home stood empty and untouchable. Continuous attempts were made to deal with the house, such as selling, renovating or even demolishing it, but all these efforts were thwarted by odd occurrences. The history of the home and those that had lived there was largely unknown.
In 2018, at long last, a significant discovery was made with regards to the house. The odd reports that the Scottish Government had received over those 134 years when a renovation attempt made on the house resulted in two of the employees being sewn together by the backs of their shirts, having a careful propped up carpet fall on their heads and then being pushed down the stairs by an unknown entity.
The Scottish Government filed a report with the Human-Fae branch of Government who sent out an agent to investigate. This agent was, for some strange reason, the only person able to enter the house and investigate without any harm coming to her. She was able to recover the journals, as well as some of Whitlock’s illustrations. She then took them back to the government offices where they were examined.

Princess Elspeth
runs away to the human world.
Fae world thrown into chaos.
Princess Elspeth marries, Queen Titania opens negotiations with British Government.
Negotiations are finalised, a new branch of government is opened.
Whitlock begins his journals.